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Ann Arbor Folk and Blues: The Scene in the 1960s and 1970s


Ann Arbor Blues Festivals and More


Friends of the Sixties

I often wonder about my interest in seeking out wise older men to learn from.  Perhaps it is because, although I had both grandmothers, I never had a grandfather, on either side.  How I would know what I was missing, I have no idea.  But perhaps there is something in there that goes way back in the human race that wants to have a grandfather, someone separate from one’s father with perhaps more life wisdom, some kindness, and hopefully a little time on their hands, enough for a grandkid or two.

Gary Grimshaw: An Interview

Some History of Matrix Software

Iggy Pop: Prime Movers Drummer

Making Blues Time

I-94 Bar Interview of Michael Erlewine

The M.U.G. (Michigan Union Grill) in the 1950s-1960s

Although an affluent community like Ann Arbor was hardly the culture in which ‘The Beat’ movement (theoretically) thrived and was designed for, nonetheless the influence of ‘The Beats’ was present and very much felt in Ann Arbor back in the late 1950s and the early 1960s, student poets and hanging out.

Gary Grimshaw: A Short Biography