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A "republican Rally."

A "republican Rally." image
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, Seeing a bilí posted inviting us in common with the masses - ladies aud citizens generally - to put iu an appearauce at the Opera House on Friday eveuing last, and "reasou together," thüt is to hear liou. Edwin Willits aud " uthera " apeak their anciuut httle pieces, we oomplied with the ïuvitatiou aud wo;it dowu, preparad to get our till of "truth." The crowd on the streets, the blowing ol the bands, and the tramp, tramp, tramp oí that processiou of " scalpers " - 104 in all, iucluding '24 boys, with a few non-lamp bearers as body guard- was calculated to strike terror to the hearta of disconsolate Demoorats, but didu't wurth a continental. After the procession arri ved the body of the Opera House was we 11 filled, with a spriukling of boys in the gallery - rattlers and whistler whose mission proved to be to aid m applaudmg the speakers. A goodly uumber of gray-headed veterans, the fruits of much perseverance in diumrmng, personal solicitation, sendiug out of carnages, etc., ornamentad the stage, while the audieuce was coustituted about as follows : two women to each voter, two boys and girla to each woman, with a uumber of bables in arms sandwiched in for musical purposes, - the Glee Club uot being in condition to ' fill the bill, - and our tirst impression was that we had made a mistake in the place, and got into a primary school exhibition or a half-price children's show. That was the make up of the tii-st "rally." The speakers were Messrs. Willits, Cutcheon and Childs, whose speeches this reporter will not write up. Each began back iu past ages and under the banner of the " bloody shirt ' carne down almost to the present, - and then stopped. A few of the points made will be noticed elsewhere. Heury W. Hogers, Esq., oï this city came near meeting with a fatal accident on Tuesday morning. Having a young and new horaewhich ou Monday showed sorae fear of the cara, Mr. Hogers took in nis nephew on Tuesday morniag and drove down State street with a view of making the horse familiar with the puffing and blowing and uoiae of moving traius. Crossing the track the horse was faced about, and uot relishing the sight he saw or sounds he heard he reared and plunged and backed throwmg Wade out on one side, and Mr. Rogers on the other. Wade (the nephew) was fortúnate enough to strike on his feet, and turning round found Mr, Rogers face downwards and his head buried in the gravel. He was insensible for some momeuts but consciousness was soon restoretí, a hack was called, and taking him home he was put under the charge of his physician, Dr. Wells, and though now a little sore is recovering. His hip was somewhat bruised. The horse was recovered somewhere near the depot, unmjured and the phaeton unbrokeu. Mr. Bennett, Steward of the üuiversity, is having a good work done upon the trees in and around the University grounds, a work which ought to be immediately imitated by every citizen having maple or other shade trees in front of their premises or on thetr grounds, especially trees that by dying and falling Iimb8 give evidence of the présense and havoc of the borer. His men are engaged in cutting off all affected limbs below the point where the borer has been at work. These limbs, with those which have fallen to the ground, are gathered up and burned. Mr. Howard, one of the men doing the work, says that he finds that many limbs have been cut off in several places, and that the detached fragments are found f uil of the borer. By gathering and burning the breeding of next years' erop and still larger and more general destruction of trees will be prevented. Our fine rows of trees are worth saving and the work should be commenced without delav.